Serve Wenatchee is a Christian organization dedicated to supporting individuals & families in need with compassion & prayer.
Partnering with local churches & community businesses, we provide essential resources like rental assistance, groceries, & furniture to help prevent homelessness in the Wenatchee Valley.
you'll find the Salvation Army.
Find out how you can help.
Salvation Army Programs are led by Salvation Army Officers. These officers are responsible to lead by assessing needs, delivering programs and directing ministries for our local community. From serving food to balancing the books, they function as the Executive Directors and the Pastors for the Wenatchee Corps.
Our Division Council meets on the first Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm in person at "The Bunker" next to Sumo's restaurant. 1250 N Wenatchee Ave, Suite H #266, Wenatchee, WA 98801
Visit Downtown Kiwanis Facebook page!!
Pacific Northwest Division 22 Kiwanis web site:
Kiwanis International web site:
Builders Club
Other Local Area Kiwanis Clubs - Apple Capital Division # 85
Apple Valley Kiwanis Meets 1st & 3rd Tuesday at Country Inn-East Wen 8:00am
Eastmont Kiwanis Meets 1st & 3rd Wednesday Country Inn-East Wenatchee noon
Wacoka Kiwanis Meets 2nd & 4th Monday American Legion Hall-Cashmere 6:30pm
Ephrata Kiwanis Meets 3rd Monday at 1095 Basin St SW- "Time Out Pizza" - Ephrata 6pm
Moses Lake Kiwanis Meet Mondays at Smith Martin Bldg 102 E 3rd Ave-Moses Lake 12:10pm